About Me

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I'm a 50 something daughter, sister, wife, aunt, mother and friend. I have a husband and a son with my parents living in my basement. Keeping it together through menopause, the teenage years and the golden years. I hope you visit often.

Friday, December 31, 2010

A look back at 2010

New Years Eve already? It seems that the years are flying by faster and faster. I thought we just closed the pool and school started. We've had snow and really cold weather and I must admit I am having thoughts of when the pool will open again and the weather will warm up. It will be here in no time. New Years Eve is usually spent hanging out, playing games and trying to stay awake until mid night to watch the ball drop. I have no idea why watching the ball drop is such a big thing. I usually get a kick out of Dick Clark. For as long as I can remember Dick Clark hosted New Years Eve. I have no idea how old he is, but he has got to be up there in age. Tonight Lees sisters and their families will be here to spend the night. There will be 12 of us. It's a combination party. We're doing the gift giving tonight as well as saying good-bye to 2010 and celebrating that we've made it into 2011. It will be a fun evening. 2010 was a pretty good year for us. Nothing drastic happened. Nobody died, or was sick for a long period or was diagnosed with a horrible disease. Mom and Dad hit a few mile stones this year. They have been married for 60 years and Dad hit the big 80! We took a great vacation to Alaska via a cruise ship and spent a week in Seattle. That was truly a highlight. We finished out our backyard and we really enjoyed it. The one who has seen the most changes is Jake. He not only changed physically but emotionally as well. I can honestly say my little boy is turning into a young man. I am having mixed emotions on that one. It had to happen. I also see my parents age as well. Another fact of life. We will be celebrating tonight. I am thankful for all our family and the time we've spent together. The memories that we have created this past year.  We will laugh and play games and ring in the New Year with Dick Clark. We will watch the ball drop in New York, then I will go to bed! I hope as you look back over 2010 you have wonderful memories. Take Care and Happy New Year!

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